The Nature of Divination

To understand the nature and function of divination one must understand the nature and function of the temporal dimension and what is labeled as “time”. The associated Entities of the Norns, and Mother Frigga, have much to teach us in this respect.   The...


Ostara is the celebration modern Easter traditions are based upon. The Easter Bunny, Easter Eggs, the feasting and all of it are taken directly from our ancient history and were things our Ancestors refused to forsake. And now that Folkish Heathenry is being...

Consistency in Loyalty

  I have seen a cancerous trend that is prevalent in Norse Paganism, Asatru, Heathenry, whatever label you choose to apply to those who claim to Honor the Aesir and associated Entities within the Lore. This is most often expressed through claims of worshipping both...

We are the Bifrost.

     We are the Bifrost. The Veil or barrier between Realms is pushed or stretched from an Ethereal Realm to a Corporeal Realm or Plane of Existence and can be described as forming a tube or tunnel, a two dimensional representation would appear to be a “rainbow...

Odin is the All-Father

“Odin is the All-Father, not the Some-Father!”      I have seen this statement being thrown around misleadingly to justify Universalist Heathenry and want to explain how and why this is erroneous and inaccurate. It is used to imply that since Odin is known...